
Successors Forum.v3

Healthy Transition Conversations

Cornell University, Ithaca NY | Date: Thursday, October 26

The most common question of a family business owner – how and where do I start to think about transitioning the business?

Throughout the life of a family business, naturally-occurring transitions take place.  Predictable family business transitions include acquisitions, leadership succession, shifts in services or products, transfer of wealth, disruptive relationship challenges, and the marriage, divorce, illness or death of key leaders. Whether these transitions are smooth, leading to opportunities and growth, or rough, resulting in a full-blown family or business crisis, depends to a large degree on the maturity and conversational skill of family leaders.  Is there a reliable alternative to the “discomfort viruses” – avoidance, conflict, distance,  and defensiveness – that so often threaten healthy conversations at the expense of the business and the family?

This is an ideal opportunity to prepare for and execute your important transition conversations. This two-day exploration will be both strategic and tactical. Topics covered throughout this two-day forum will include, but are not limited to:

  • Where do we begin, who has a seat at the table, and how to articulate our plan and put it into place?
  • Managing myself and others
  • How to hold ourselves (and others) accountable


Registration includes Thursday continental breakfast and lunch.

We have reserved a limited number of rooms for those wishing to stay overnight during the celebration. We have a special rate for this event at the Statler Hotel and Ithaca Marriott Downtown. When registering, please indicate that you are with the Smith Family Business Initiative.

Contact the Hotel:

Statler Hotel | Phone: 1.800.541.2501 or 607.257.2500

Ithaca Marriott | Phone: 607.272.2222

