Welcoming New Opportunities with the Executive MBA
Spotlight on Syed Hussain
Spotlight on Syed Hussain
by Syed Hussain, Cornell Executive MBA Americas 2017
Johnson is a prestigious name among Ivy league schoolsand I am proud to have it on my credentials. This program has a greatflexibility in scheduling your classes while you continue to work without anyinterruption. Secondly, leadership always blooms from excellent team workand this program is really focused on team work in all aspects. This teamwork focus was another attractive aspect of this MBA program.
My Good News: B. Braun of Canada has given me a contractto work for them as a Market Analyst for their new product launches.Initially, I contacted them and let them know about my previous experience andongoing EMBA Program from Cornell & Queens. Both schools are top tierschools in North America, which grabbed their attention and opened ourconversation for a possibility of Project internship for new product launches.Then, I started to work on it and right after few months, they extended theiroffer for the whole year. I am excited because I always wanted to have this kind of opportunity, which could directly be related with my internationalexperience and EMBA program
The New Venture Project was a door opener for me and kindof a win-win situation for both of us. I have been applying most ofthe tools and business concepts which I have learned from the experiencedteaching faculty. I am looking forward to make a real contribution to B. Braunof Canada
Johnson EMBA is very competitive and flexible program atthe same time. If someone really wants to take a leadership role and buildstrong teams in future then don’t look here & there. Cornell – Johnson isthe right choice