By Bus or Train
Bus and Train Travel to Cornell University
Bus Lines with Service to Ithaca
The Ithaca bus terminal is located in downtown Ithaca at the corner of W. State St. and N. Fulton St. (Route 13 South).
Campus to Campus
- (607) 254-TRIP
- Express transportation between the Ithaca and New York City campuses of Cornell University. The coaches offer comfortable single and double seating for up to 32 passengers. Ample work-room, internet service, a well-stocked galley, and other much-requested amenities make the trip enjoyable and productive. Pickup and drop-off right in front of Sage Hall.
Greyhound Bus Lines
- (800) 229-9424
Shortline Bus
- (800) 631-8405
- Regional service within New York State, Long Island, and New Jersey, and into New York City at economical fares, with stops on the Cornell campus and downtown; extra routes occasionally added during Cornell and Ithaca College academic breaks
New York Trailways
- (800) 225-6815
- Very limited regional service, including routes to Elmira and Syracuse
Swarthout Coaches
- (800) 772-7267, (607) 257-2660
- Economical but intermittent service to New York City, coordinated with school break schedules
CU Transit
- (607) 277-9388
- Chartered buses for special group trips, at hourly and daily rates
Cornell Bus Services
- A student run transportation organization that provides express bus travel to and from Syracuse airport and train station for fall, Thanksgiving, winter, and springbreaks.
Bus Service within Ithaca
Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit (TCAT) buses service Ithaca and the surrounding areas. Routes 14, 20, and 21 connect campus with the Ithaca bus terminal. TCAT also serves as Cornell’s primary form of on-campus transportation.
Train Service to Syracuse
The nearest train stop is Syracuse, NY, located approximately 80 minutes from Ithaca. Syracuse is connected to the Empire (N.Y.C.-Niagra Falls), Lake Shore Limited (Chicago-Boston), and Maple Leaf (N.Y.C.-Toronto) routes.
- Amtrak’s Syracuse Station
- 131 P&C Parkway
- Syracuse, NY
- (800) 872-7245
- Amtrak
- (800) 872-7245
Getting to Ithaca from Syracuse Amtrak Station
In addition to bus service (see below) from Syracuse to Ithaca, door-to-door taxi and van service is available to and from the Syracuse Amtrak Station. Connections should be reserved ahead of time with the Ithaca Airline Limousine (607) 273-3030; (800) 273-9197. Taxi service from Syracuse is less economical.