Michelle M. Duguid

Michelle M. Duguid

  • Associate Professor
  • Associate Dean of Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging

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Interdisciplinary Theme

Faculty Expertise

  • Management
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Sustainability


Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management



Cornell Directory Entry


Michelle M. Duguid is associate dean of diversity, inclusion, and belonging and an associate professor of management and organizations at the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University. She received her MS and PhD in organizational behavior from Cornell University.

Duguid has two broad, overlapping streams of research. Her primary area of research investigates the interplay of social status, power, politics, influence, and diversity in organizations, with a particular focus on the effect of social status, power, and inter- and intra-group relations on perceptions and interactions. She also does research which examines individual and group processes that affect creativity and the quality of decision-making. She serves on the editorial boards of Organization Science, the Academy of Management Journal, the Academy of Management Review, and Personnel Psychology.

Duguid's research has been published in numerous academic journals, including Administrative Science Quarterly, The Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Organization Science, and Psychological Science. Her research has also been cited in many media outlets, such as Forbes, The New Yorker, Fast Company, NPR, the New York Times, and the Economist.

Recent Courses

  • NCCE 5040 - Managing and Leading in Organizations
  • NBAY 6820 - Negotiation Essentials

Academic Degrees

  • PhD School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University, 2008
  • MS Cornell University, 2005
  • BS Howard University, 2003
  • BS Howard University, 2003