Submit a Research Support/Study Request

Researchers interested in utilizing the lab should reach out to the lab manager, Mary Ross, at When referencing a specific study, make sure your initial email includes the following information:

  • Title for participants to see (3-5 words naming the study):
  • Brief abstract (one sentence to catch their attention):
  • Recruiting message (up to a paragraph explaining details and attracting students):
  • Compensation per participant:
  • # Participants (target):
  • Study or session duration:
  • Qualifications or constraints on participants:
  • Researcher account to charge costs:
  • IRB #:

Please note: To ensure quality participation, the lab recommends paying online participants close to the U.S. minimum wage, US $7.25 per hour. For a good benchmark, Prolific Academic endorses ‘ethical rewards’ and makes researchers pay at least US $6.50 per hour, or about 11 cents per minute. Better pay elicits better responses from better workers. If you’re asking workers to do something more advanced or laborious, like lots of reading and writing, consider paying more.

For studies run within the BSL Sona Systems pool, the lab recommends paying participants a minimum $12/hour rate.