
To help ensure that the recruiting process results in optimal outcomes for all concerned, Johnson has adopted the following policies:

Keep everyone informed – both the CMC and the students – as you move through the hiring process. We can best serve them and you when we are kept up-to-date concerning second-round interviews, offers, and acceptances. Students spend hours preparing for interviews and it is the company’s responsibility to notify all students of their status after the interviewing process is completed. Similarly, if there are ways in which we can better meet your needs, prepare Johnson students more effectively, or address concerns that may arise during the year, we welcome your input.

  • The CMC publishes contact information about our recruiting contacts and on-campus visitors, unless we are asked not to do so by the company. This information is accessible online only to Johnson students.
  • Employers who interview on campus have the right to interview candidates based on their authorization to work in a particular country, but the CMC will allow all students to submit résumés for “closed” interview slots.
  • Cornell students not enrolled in Johnson may not participate in on-campus recruiting at Johnson unless the employer makes a specific request for a non-Johnson student to be placed on the schedule.
  • Employers must abide by Cornell’s Equal Opportunity policy regarding all on-campus recruiting practices.
  • Employers should allow students enough time to make a thoughtful decision. We ask that you do not urge students to make early decisions. The CMC does not condone the use of exploding offers.
  • Most companies reimburse students for travel to final round interviews. If you are not reimbursing travel please communicate your policy with the student in advance.

Grade Non-Disclosure

Johnson MBA students in the full-time MBA programs (Two-Year and One-Year Johnson Cornell Tech) have passed a student referendum on grade non-disclosure. The policy was motivated by Johnson students’ desire to bring disclosure policies into alignment with Johnson’s collaborative culture and to encourage academic risk-taking. The school faculty support the outcome of the referendum.

Under the terms of the referendum, students will not be permitted to disclose their grades to recruiters until after a full-time, post-graduation job has been extended. The policy covers grade point averages (GPAs), grades in courses, and grades on assignments or exams. Exceptions include dual degree students who are pursuing non-MBA roles (e.g. JD/MBA candidates who needs to disclose their GPAs to law firm recruiters), Cornell Tech students applying to positions not restricted to MBAs at the Cornell Tech campus, and students applying for fellowships, public sector, international, and/or nonprofit positions.

Johnson asks that all recruiters respect the policy and refrain from asking Johnson students about their grades.

Renege and Offer Policies

Offer Policy for All Employers

Employers should allow students enough time to make thoughtful decisions. We ask that you do not urge students to make early decisions.


Students should be given a minimum of two weeks (or until December 2, 2024, whichever is later) to respond to an offer of full-time employment. This guideline applies whether the students receive their offers through on-campus recruiting, MBA conferences, personal outreach, or from summer internships.


On-campus internship interviewing takes place in January and February. For on-campus recruiting, companies should give students two weeks (or until February 7, 2025, whichever is later) to respond to an internship offer.

Some companies make internship offers through various MBA conferences and summer camps. For internship offers that are given during the summer or fall, students should have until December 2, 2024, to respond to the offer.

These guidelines are in effect unless both parties agree to an alternative date.

The CMC does not condone the use of exploding offers.

Internship Offer Policy for Investment Banks

  • We ask that no offers be made before December 3, 2024, other than those associated with formal Diversity Recruiting Events.
  • Students must be given 10 business days or until December 30, 2024, whichever is later, to make a decision about accepting an offer given during super days. Offers made during Diversity Recruiting Events must be open for three weeks.
  • Please note: The terms of the offer cannot change once the offer has been extended.

Johnson’s Policy on Reneging Job Offers and Student No Shows

Johnson views any student reneging on an offer to be a serious violation of policy. In addition to damaging the student’s reputation, a renege on an accepted offer damages the school’s reputation and potentially the school’s relationship with the affected employer.

The penalties for a renege are substantial. A student who reneges on an accepted offer is required to meet with the director of the Career Management Center to explain the action. The student must also email the company, copying the CMC director, to apologize and explain the reasons for his or her actions. Reneging on an offer can result in a loss of CMC privileges, such as access to on-campus recruiting and Johnson Talent System job postings for the remainder of the student’s time at Johnson.

Likewise, any company that rescinds an offer is barred from on-campus recruiting for one full recruiting year.

Renege on offer – 1st year
  • Write a letter of reflection and acknowledgment of impact on Johnson brand to student council co-presidents and professional club board
  • Write a sincere letter of apology to the company, and copy the CMC director and advisor
  • Meet with the CMC director
  • Lose on-campus recruiting privileges and access to JTS job postings during 2nd year
  • Lose the ability to hold leadership roles i.e. JLF, CWG leadership
Renege on offer – 2nd year
  • Write a letter of reflection and acknowledgment of impact on Johnson brand to student council co-presidents and professional club board
  • Write a sincere letter of apology to the company, and copy the Associate Dean for MBA Programs, CMC Director and advisor
  • Meet with the CMC director
  • Lose access to JTS job postings as an alumnus
  • Lose access to alumni career resources for a year following the acceptance of new role
No-show for office hours, interviews, mock interviews
  • Write a sincere letter of apology to the company, and copy the CMC director and your advisor
  • Meet with the CMC director or advisor
  • The CMC will submit your name to the relevant professional club officers
  • Subsequent offenses will result in loss of on-campus recruiting privileges and access to JTS job postings
No-show for Corporate Briefings
  • Meet with advisor
  • Meet with the CMC director
  • The CMC will submit names to the relevant professional club officers
  • Subsequent offenses will result in loss of on-campus recruiting privileges and access to JTS job postings

Student Cancellation Policy

We expect you to honor your commitment to prepare, attend, and actively participate in recruiting activities.

If you do have to cancel your participation in a corporate or CMC event, you must log on to JTS by the signup end date/time indicated in the system and remove yourself. For interviews, a minimum notice of three business days is strongly recommended. More advanced notice is appreciated so that we can potentially reassign the slots to wait-listed students and update companies. Note that you may be required to remain on the interview schedule if extenuating circumstances apply.

Please contact the CMC with any questions.