EMBA Healthcare Leadership Curriculum

The Executive MBA/MS in Healthcare Leadership program curriculum combines business breadth and healthcare depth with courses taught by faculty in both the Johnson Graduate School of Management and the Weill Cornell Medicine Graduate School of Medical Sciences. The EMBA/MS program is designed around collaboration, the diverse perspectives of healthcare stakeholders, and gaining insights to drive innovation in the industry.

EMBA/MS in Healthcare Leadership curriculum highlights:

  • Business breadth combined with a deeper understanding of the healthcare industry
  • Insights into how key healthcare stakeholders make decisions
  • Effectively leading in complex organizations
  • Learn how to drive innovation in healthcare
  • Immediately applicable
  • Team-based delivery
  • Industry-specific special events, networking, and career programming
  • Some courses offer the opportunity for continuing medical education (CME) credits

EMBA/MS in Healthcare Leadership degree requirements

The Executive MBA/MS in Healthcare Leadership curriculum includes required core courses, electives, and a capstone project. You’ll complete 60 credits in healthcare, policy, leadership and strategy, finance, accounting, and general business over the course of 22 months. Students in the EMBA/MS in Healthcare Leadership program must take at least 6 credits of coursework each semester to be considered a full-time student.

Course descriptions

While the sequence of courses in the EMBA/MS in Healthcare Leadership program can vary for each cohort, you must take all required courses as they are offered and complete four electives. Required courses address competencies spanning the breadth of business and the depth of healthcare. In each term, you will take both business and healthcare courses.

Required business courses

The following courses emphasize business breadth, giving you a well-rounded business foundation. Course descriptions are subject to change.

Required healthcare leadership courses

The following courses connect business breadth with healthcare depth. Learn the details of the healthcare ecosystem and how you can advance its future. Course descriptions are subject to change.

Elective courses

You will complete four elective courses, which will give you the opportunity to investigate narrower areas, such as business strategy, managerial finance, and health services research. Elective offerings change each year and subjects balance both healthcare and business topics.

Recent elective options have included:

  • Design Thinking in Healthcare
  • Management Communication
  • Influencing with Quality and Patient Safety Metrics
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • New Venture Management

Capstone project course

One of the hallmarks of the EMBA/MS in Healthcare Leadership program is the capstone project. The capstone course places teams with industry clients and partners to solve a real challenge using business acumen through a healthcare lens. Projects change each year and represent a range of organizations including hospital systems, community health organizations, technology companies, and more.

The capstone course has two goals:

  1. To help students to discover and develop new and effective ways of managing and working together with all the stakeholders within the healthcare field
  2. To accelerate a student’s development of the contextual awareness, integrative management, and industry skills that are needed to lead in a rapidly changing healthcare sector.

This capstone course puts students in a new organization, one they don’t already know well, and gives them the chance to practice hitting the ground running. This culminating course provides a deeper preparation for the next stages of a student’s career.