EMBA Healthcare Leadership Faculty
The Executive MBA/MS in Healthcare Leadership program is a dual-degree program that brings together faculty from the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management and the Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences.
Meet the EMBA/MS in Healthcare Leadership faculty
Classes are taught by both academic faculty and industry practitioners, so you’ll take courses that are generally focused on business, yet specific to the healthcare industry. Faculty teach both practical and theoretical frameworks that you can put into practice right away.

Gautam Ahuja
Eleanora and George Landew Professor of Management, Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management
Course: Advanced Strategic Analysis

Elena Belavina
associate professor, Cornell Peter and Stephanie Nolan School of Hotel Administration
Course: Managing Operations

Robert Bloomfield
Nicholas H. Noyes Professor of Management and professor of accounting, Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management
Laurence Blumberg MD
lecturer in population health sciences, Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences
Course: Entrepreneurship in Life Sciences

Tommaso Bondi
Demir Sabanci Faculty Fellow of Marketing and Management and assistant professor of marketing, Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management
Course: Marketing Management

Robert Tyler Braun
assistant professor of population health sciences, Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences
Course: Healthcare Policy and Incentives

Steve Carvell
professor of finance, Cornell Peter and Stephanie Nolan School of Hotel Administration
Courses: Managerial Finance; Mergers and Acquisitions

Andrea Cohen
lecturer in population health sciences, Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences
Course: Capstone

Roger Cohen
visiting instructor (Goodwin Law – Life Sciences), Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences
Course: Healthcare Regulation and Reporting

Stephen Cohen
lecturer in healthcare policy and economics, Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences
Course: Capital Investments in Healthcare
Stuart Diamond
lecturer in population health sciences, Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences
Course: Healthcare Negotiations

Vrinda Kadiyali
Nicholas H. Noyes Professor of Management, Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management
Course: Business Strategy

Theomary Karamanis
senior lecturer of management communication, Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management
Course: Management Communications
Klaus Kjaer
professor of clinical anesthesiology, Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences
Course: Influencing Behaviors with Quality and Patient Safety Metrics

Stefanie Kubanek
visiting senior lecturer, Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management
Course: Design Thinking

Sameer Malhotra MD
associate professor of clinical population health science, Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences
Course: Healthcare Informatics

Elizabeth Mannix
Ann Whitney Olin Professor of Management, Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management
Course: Leadership and High Performance Teams

Geraldine McGinty MD
associate professor of clinical healthcare policy and research, Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences
Courses: Healthcare Leadership; Healthcare Innovation and Transformation

Gregory Chandler Ray
visiting lecturer, Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management
Course: New Venture Management

Sunita Sah
associate professor of management and organizations, Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management
Course: Managing and Leading in Organizations

Nicholas Sanders
visiting assistant professor, Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management
Course: Microeconomics for Management

Stephen Sauer
senior lecturer of management and organizations, Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management
Course: Management Simulation

Bruce Schackman
Saul P. Steinberg Distinguished Professor of Healthcare Policy and Research, Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences

William Schpero
assistant professor of population health sciences, Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences
Course: Healthcare Policy and Economics

Suzanne Shu
John S. Dyson Professor in Marketing, Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management
Course: Product and Brand Strategies
Michael Stewart
professor of population health sciences, Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences
Course: Global Perspectives in Healthcare

Daniel Szpiro
visiting senior lecturer, Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management
Course: Financial Accounting

Mark Weiner
professor of clinical population health sciences, Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences
Course: Generating Real World Evidence from Real World Data

Heather Yeo MD
associate professor of healthcare policy and research, Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences
Course: Digital Innovations in Healthcare