Two-Year MBA Entrepreneurship

Plug into the ecosystem. Engage with advisors and mentors, entrepreneurs and inventors, and investors—on and off campus—to get guidance and support to launch and scale your venture.

Our Startup Suite of Student-Run Entrepreneurship Services

  • BR Venture Fund: A seed-stage venture capital fund focused on early-stage, high-growth, Cornell-connected businesses
  • BR Tech Strategy: MBA teams consult with Cornell inventors to analyze commercial opportunities for early-stage university-generated technology
  • BR Microenterprise: Spurs microenterprise development by helping the self-employed reach their business goals

More About BR StartUp Suite

BioEntrepreneurship Fellowship for Johnson MBAs

The BioEntrepreneurship Fellowship at Cornell University offers Johnson MBA students and life science researchers from across Cornell’s campuses the opportunity to immerse themselves in real-world startup creation. Participants receive the tools, training, and connections they need to launch their own life science startups through a certificate program offered by Johnson.

Applications for the BioEntrepreneurship Fellowship are annual. Up to 30 applicants will be selected for each intake—half of the selected Fellows will be MBA students and half will be researchers, innovators, and clinicians in the life sciences.

Apply now: 

Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis each semester. For more information, contact the program team at 

Cornell Connections

Rev Ithaca Startup Works

A non-profit resource for the business community

Rev helps Ithaca entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses.

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Entrepreneurship at Johnson

A group of about 20 young men and women dressed in business casual attire posing for a photo.
August 22, 2024

Johnson Summer Startup Accelerator Teams Pitch Startups in NYC

Nineteen teams in the Johnson Summer Startup Accelerator pitched their startups at the Cornell ILR NYC Conference Center.

a man standing and speaking into a microphone as he gestures and looks at a screen to his right.
July 29, 2024

Practically Improving the World Through Public Policy and Entrepreneurship

PhD Spotlight: Research by Johnson School PhD candidate Grady Raines reveals hidden hurdles and the role of family in promoting female entrepreneurship.

Image of Jamey Edwards '96 MBA '03 outside with trres
July 29, 2024

Jamey Edwards is on a Mission to Fix Healthcare

As a serial entrepreneur, Jamey Edwards '96 MBA '03 is mission driven to support health equity and resolve health disparities.